We buy and sell top brands such as Technogym, Life, Matrix, milon and many other brands. We also sell new equipment from our own brand Athletic Performance and BauerFitness. Ideal for the addition of new benches, dumbbells and discs to complete your design of your sports and fitness center. Tell us which numbers and top brand you have in mind and we will send you a customized quote.
We buy and sell top brands such as Cybex, Life Fitness, Matrix, Panatta, Precor, Technogym and many other brands. We also sell new equipment from our own brand Athletic Performance. Ideal for the addition of new benches, dumbbells and discs to complete your design of your sports and fitness center. Tell us which numbers and top brand you have in mind and we will send you a customized quote.
Máme velmi dobré kontakty v různých zemích Evropy a můžeme pro vás najít přesně to, co potřebujete. Napište nám jaké máte přání a mi vám odepíšeme hned, jakmile ho budeme schopni splnit.
Telefon Česka republika:
(+420) 776 224 911
Telephone international (ENG/DE/NL/CZ):
(+420) 773 499 117
Email: info@repasfitness.cz